Is Keanu Reeves Colorblind?

American actor Keanu Reeves, the star of John Wick and the Matrix, has become the darling of the internet and social media. Part of that focus from the internet has also meant that he’s been on the receiving end of some odd questions about nearly every facet of his existence, like whether or not he’s colorblind.

Keanu Reeves has never spoken about any kind of colorblindness, despite multiple sources claiming that he is colorblind. The closest that he has ever come to mentioning what colors he sees was a short piece of poetry he wrote.

Since he’s an actor and has never tried to make being an engineer or a pilot his profession, we’ve never really had any reason to hear about whether or not Reeves is colorblind. It’s apparently never been a topic of conversation for him.

Sifting through the sea of odd claims though, there is one glimmer of hope, even if it isn’t a solid answer.

Suspicious Reports

Digging around for more information about Reeves’ potential colorblindness, you’ll stumble across a lot of lists featuring colorblind celebrities, on which Reeves will surprisingly often make an appearance.

If you’re desperately hoping that Reeves is colorblind, though, you’ll be sorely disappointed. None of the aforementioned lists ever back up the claim with any kind of explanation or proof and have probably just caught up in a round of the childhood game “telephone”, except played by the internet instead of children.

Reeves has never so much as even mentioned the potential of being colorblind in any of his interviews. He’s only ever touched on anything even remotely close to this topic once, and we hope that you’re feeling warmed up and limber, because this is going to be a bit of a stretch.

Reeves the Poet

Years before he had even worked on Speed, Reeves was enjoying the fact that his fame had reached a new height with the portrayal of Ted “Theodore” Logan in the two Bill & Ted movies. With that new level of fame came interviews that sought to probe deeper into the life of the up-and-coming actor.

Just like he has seemingly managed to avoid aging over the last decade or so, so has his down-to-earth personality been suspended in the same stasis of immortality. In keeping with that kind of approachable nature, the interview explored some pretty deep topics.

You might be wondering how this relates to color-blindness. Well, at one point in the interview, when discussing the relationship with his father, Reeves drops a bit of poetry to answer a difficult question.

“I think of black and I think of blue / I think of red and I think of you / I think of yellow and I think of mauve / No more colors do I know…”

Alright, so the poem probably isn’t literal, seeing as how it was in response to an unwanted question about whether or not he missed his father. Maybe it had a dual meaning, though, and he really does have green colorblindness?

Well, don’t say that you weren’t warned about it being a bit of a stretch. Okay, so even though he probably doesn’t have any problem whatsoever seeing the color green, there is another kind of green that he doesn’t see.

Doesn’t See Green?

What green does he not see, you might be asking. The other kind of green is money, of course!

Acting perfectly in line with his personality, Reeves’s relaxed and humble nature means that he has never been greedy when it comes to the financial compensation for his acting skills. In fact, if it’s to the benefit of the project that he’s working on, Reeves will even take a cut in pay.

There’s been a few examples of him taking those pay cuts over the years, even happily seeing millions of dollars shaved off his final check if the money can be spent better elsewhere.

One such scenario was when he starred in The Devil’s Advocate, where Reeves sacrificed a piece of his paycheck so that the director could hire a fellow actor and all-time great Al Pacino. In that movie, Pacino played the devil, seeking to lure Reeves to temptation.

While it may have been possible in the movie, we think it’s safe to say that Reeves in real life would be a lot harder to lead down the path of selfishness!
